Takeshi Kitano 北野 武 is an award winner film director, a well known actor especially as the Beat Takeshi character, a comedian and a presenter in Japanese T.V., an author a screenwriter and a poet who wrote more than thirty books, and the Head Professor of Film and Media Studies Department of Tokyo University of Arts. He does almost everything in his films from editing to art directing, from writing the screenplay to directing the film and starring in it. He won more than fifty awards including a Golden Lion winning, nominations and a Golden Palm nomination. Alongside his mostly known capabilities which are more than enough even for the most capable man, he is also a painter who opened an exhibition in Paris recently called "kid of painting". Even if his father was a painter, he does not like to talk a lot about his own paintings. He does not sell them; instead gives away.
These are some of the paintings that Kitano used in his masterpiece Hana-bi (1997). In the film, they were made by a fellow ex-cop of Beat Takeshi as a part of the rehabilitation process as the cop cannot walk anymore.
Untitled, 1996
Untitled, 1996
Hana-Bi, 1996
Death, 1996
BEWARE! This is the exact scene in which paintings of Kitano are used. It can spoil everything if the film is not seen by you; it will be a pity as it is a master of masters' masterpiece.
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